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Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Owner(s): Marguerite & Logan Malone
Hometown: Sarasota, FL
Training Program(s): Boot Camp Levels 1 & 2
Graduation Date: March 22, 2015

Issues Before Training:
Pulls on lead, lunges at dogs on walks, barks at dogs and in the car, jumps up, mouthing, counter surfing, won't allow collar to be put on, demands attention, won't come, won't stay.

Latest Update:
"Baron", a 7 mo old GSD, graduated from Boot Camp Levels 1 & 2. I enjoyed working with this big young boy. Getting to know him, on a much more personal level, allowed me to see what he needed most. That's why I love the Boot Camp program so much. Baron revealed his sweet and very vulnerable side, he showed me he needed more confidence and he also confirmed all my suspicions of why training wasn't very successful at home. He needed much more structure, many more rules and consistent reinforcement. He also desperately needed to socialize with his own kind. He eventually made a friend in Pagan. At first nobody liked him, and his awkward communication. But he grew. He grew a ton. He grew into a young man, from the sweet bratty boy that he came as. I'm very pleased with Baron's improvement and I love how enthusiastically and happily he responds now. He used to dislike me, he'd cower when I'd take the leash, on our On Site lesson, or snap at me when I'd make him comply. I represented the once a week, for an hour, torture camp. I was the only one who disciplined him well and because he didn't get the same amount at home, he was very stressed. Not fair, at all, to the dog. Boot Camp allowed him to submerge in clarity and predictability. Life slowly became easy, and knowing what to expect from it, made it so. Keep up the good with Marguerite and Logan. Keep that boy going strong! He deserves strong and confident leadership.

Attention Owners!
If you are the owner of this dog and have any updates on how they are doing, we'd love to hear from you! Please email us at info@CompleteK9Academy.com and we'll put your updates and comments on your dog's graduate page.

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