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Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Owner(s): The M Family
Hometown: Venice, FL
Training Program(s): Boot Camp Levels 1 & 2
Graduation Date: February 13, 2013

"Konig", a 6 mo old GSD, graduated from Boot Camp Levels 1 & 2 on 2/13/2013. He was a graduate first of our Puppy Education class (http://www.completek9academy.com/puppyeducation.php) when he was only 10 weeks old. At 6 mo old he was more mature to begin advanced obedience training and his owners were more than ready to send him away. Him and their other GSD "Heidi" (also a Boot Camp 1 & 2 graduate) were rough housing and dominating each other to the point of aggression, he was jumping up on everyone, tables and kitchen counters, was impossible to walk at heel and barked a lot. We had a plan for his education early on and it was time.

Issues Before Training:
Pulls on lead, won't come, jumping, bolts outdoors, barking, lunging, mouthing.

Latest Update:
Konig learned everything he needed to and became a dog who was much calmer and willing to please others vs himself first. Although still a puppy, Konig is a manageable young man and not a bratty boy. Good breeding and proper training ensured of that. Konig is the product of the responsible breeding program out of Von der Tetiaroa German Shepherds owned by Jill Doherty. Congratulations to the M Family from Venice, FL.

Attention Owners!
If you are the owner of this dog and have any updates on how they are doing, we'd love to hear from you! Please email us at info@CompleteK9Academy.com and we'll put your updates and comments on your dog's graduate page.

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