"Dexter", a 5 mo old Doberman puppy graduated from In Home Levels 1 & 2. He not only graduated, he graduated with an A++ grade. He's so willing, smart, handsome and now - well trained representer of my favorite breed. Dexter and his family ensured that they did everything right from the moment they decided to get a Dobe.
Latest Update: They've been through a lot of learning together and I am honored to have been a part of their journey the whole time.
Keep up all the good work!
Congratulation to the Sloan family from Sarasota, FL.
Attention Owners! If you are the owner of this dog and have any updates on how they are doing, we'd love to hear from you! Please email us at info@CompleteK9Academy.com and we'll put your updates and comments on your dog's graduate page.